Ayahuasca is a plant found in tropical areas of South America. The preparation made with it and other plants, also has certain benefits for people.

This plant is known by other names, such as Banisteriopsis caapi, Yagé, Caapi, Bejuco de oro, Totenliana, Mariri, Dapa, Soga del espíritu, Soga de la muerte or Soga de dioses, Kahi, or wine of death.

The ayahuasca plant comes from tropical and Andean countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

It is a climbing plant that produces bell-shaped flowers of white or pink color, and fruits with vitamin C.

We can also say that there is a ritual called “ayahuasca spiritual ritual”, which has become well known in several countries, especially for its natural healing properties.

Ayahuasca is considered a traditional medicine by the indigenous people and communities of the Amazon rainforest of South America.

Many people who have performed the spiritual ritual of Ayahuasca, villagers and indigenous healers, claim that their concoction composed of this plant and others such as Chacruna and Chagropanga is very beneficial.

The Ayahuasca plant has certain healing properties, which allow to eliminate or reduce anxiety problems, stress, headaches, fears, emotional gastritis, depression and even reduces addictions. It is also capable of curing arthritis, rheumatism and other headaches.

Among the properties of Ayahuasca, we attribute it to be a purgative that cleanses the colon, thus helping to prevent colon cancer.

Those who have been able to ingest or perform the spiritual ritual Ayahuasca, have found that they have been able to cure problems of depression, anxiety, stress, depression and problems with drug addictions.

Although science does not have many studies in favor of Ayahuasca, however, its use and consumption is very popular in all regions where this plant is recognized.

There are many tourists who participate in these spiritual rituals, in search of some solutions to their illnesses or simply to experience the spiritual process involved in the Ayahuasca ritual.

Before ingesting the concoction, a shaman or guide is in charge of a spiritual step of soul cleansing (as they call it). And the participant must be clean in the soul and body, so that this ritual can be successful.

The Ayahuasca plant is strictly used for the ritual, which is performed by a shaman or guide who supervises the entire process, from beginning to end.

These spiritual rituals are performed in areas of the South American jungle where indigenous communities live.

They are practiced by shamans, indigenous people, as well as people from other countries, in search of the healing properties of Ayahuasca.

As we already indicated, the use of this concoction is for spiritual purposes and cleansing of the body and soul. For this reason, this concoction, made with various plants extracted from Amazonian areas, has been so popular for some time now.

It is also used for healing benefits, since, when ingesting this preparation, people say they feel better and even cured of the conditions or diseases they had before the Ayahuasca ritual.

For many years, indigenous populations have used Ayahuasca as traditional medicine and until today its use is for exclusively curative purposes, being administered by a shaman with a lot of knowledge of this plant.

According to various studies, the uses of Ayahuasca are the following:

  • Religious:  the spiritual aspect intervenes through rites (ceremonies) of different cultures in indigenous populations.
  • Healing:  Ayahuasca has healing properties that combat mental and physical illnesses.
  • Psychotherapeutics:  Ayahuasca is used as a therapeutic element for depression and addiction treatments.

One of the benefits of ingesting ayahuasca in the spiritual ritual is the cleansing of the spirit and the body, as well as the reduction of any type of tension caused by stress, fears, anxiety and addictions.

Many of the participants describe feeling calmer and more relaxed at the end of the Ayahuasca ritual process.

Another contribution of this plant is that it works as a therapeutic and spiritual growth element, especially for people with anxiety problems.

People who ingested Ayahuasca, get another kind of mentality to see things and solve problems, always with a more positive attitude towards life.

Finally, Ayahuasca helps to fight diseases such as headaches, colon cancer, addiction problems, emotional gastritis and mental illnesses.

Ayahuasca has medicinal properties and has been used for many years by indigenous people and shamans from the Amazon jungle of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela.

This plant, as we have already mentioned, is used as a natural medicine to cure different illnesses, both physical and mental.

Ayahuasca is a preparation of tropical plants found in South American countries. Its tropical origin does not allow it to grow in places with very low temperatures, as it simply cannot withstand extreme cold.

The indigenous people, shamans and participants of these spiritual rituals where Ayahuasca is ingested, describe a healing sensation to the different spiritual and corporal illnesses that they presented.

Although studies of the Ayahuasca plant do not prove its effectiveness 100%, many consider it as a healing and curative plant.

The Awkipuma Ayahuasca Center, located in the Amazon jungle of Iquitos, Peru, is dedicated to keeping this magical healing tradition available to all who seek an effective alternative to western medicine.

While maintaining focus on our mission of healing and providing the highest level of individual care and attention, we will always be one of the lowest priced premier centers in the Iquitos metropolitan area.

Most centers with high-end facilities are charging $200 per day or more.

At the Awkipuma center we have the most affordable rates according to the time and number of ceremonies the participants wish to do.

If you want a quote on our ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru, you can contact us and ask for more information about our spiritual retreats.

We will accommodate your needs and time.

Discover the basic rules you should know, if you can do the ayahuasca ceremony when you are menstruating, details that will help you make a good decision.

Understand that each female body is unique and different, so it is up to each of us to set our limits.

It would be interesting to do a self-study before performing an ayahuasca ceremony, write down how you feel day by day and recognize the changes you experience, as this will allow you to know yourself better, in case you decide to do the ceremonial ritual.

Becoming aware of these changes and living in harmony with the different phases of your cycle is one of the best tools to gain health and well-being.

In general, we know that during menstruation our energy declines, we lack vitality and we do not feel like going out, because our body is directing a lot of energy to the cleansing process.

There are ayahuasca centers in Peru that recommend avoiding the ceremony during the first three days of menstruation. But this is not applicable to all women since each body is different and each one lives her menstruation in a different way.

For this reason, we recommend saving energy for the moment of the ceremony to obtain optimal results of purification and inner healing.

  • If you are one of those people who feel pain during your menstrual period, it is best not to perform the ceremony.
  • If you feel tired, restless or unmotivated during your menstrual cycle, it is best to respect the moment you are experiencing.
  • An alternative is that if you do not have symptoms during your period then you can perform the ceremony, prior notice to the shaman or guide.
  • Last but not least; you have the last word about your body so you and no one else should decide if you want to perform the ayahuasca ceremony at all times and under any circumstances.

Any person can take ayahuasca even from 13 years of age up to senior citizens. Of course, young people will be administered according to the dosage recommended by the shaman, as well as senior citizens.

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