ceremonia de ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is a magical drink and it is not a special drug that produces sophisticated visions or fun.

Research suggests that Ayahuasca can help people with depression and trauma. And in that case, can a ceremony replace several years of psychotherapy? Here we will give you more details…

Ayahuasca - What is it ?

We can say that Ayahuasca is a boiled medicinal plant that has been used for centuries by the indigenous peoples of Peru, Brazil, Ecuador and Bolivia, especially during shamanic rituals. Ayahuasca is also known as the “creeper of the dead.”

These types of Ayahuasca rituals have many advantages for society: they unite the community, heal people and allow some conflicts to be resolved.

The composition of the drink varies, but usually the base is two plants: Psychotria Viridis and Banisteriopsis Caapi.

The preparation is similar to a somewhat sweet and strong tea, not very tasty and with an earthy aroma. Additionally, the main active ingredient in Ayahuasca is dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a hallucinogenic substance.

At a molecular level, DMT is somewhat similar to the mood hormone serotonin. Typically, to get the hallucinogenic effect of DMT, you have to burn it or inject it, since the body breaks down DMT when it is ingested.

But, this is not the case with Ayahuasca, since the ingredients in the mixture prevent the degradation of DMT.

And although many find it surprising that the idea of ​​mixing these two plants has been had, there is no doubt that it is something that can provide benefits.

propiedades de la ayahuasca

Preparations before the Ayahuasca ceremony in Peru

It is very important to familiarize yourself with the people who will accompany you on the trip before participating in the Ayahuasca Ceremony in Peru. Additionally, positive mental attitude plays a key role.

Therefore, you must be cordial with the people who will accompany you in the experience, so that you can embark on a trip with good energy and excellent company. It is also important to define your desires and goals before the ritual.

And this journey into our interior can show us a perspective that we did not know before.

In the case of not specifying the objectives or desires, this will make the visions chaotic, and we will also not use the full potential of Ayahuasca, a cleansing and phenomenal substance.


retiro espiritual de ayahuasca peru

In a spiritual retreat center, the Ayahuasca initiation is received, where participants sit in a circle around the altar while someone plays the zither.

Then, the shaman proceeds to call each participant by her specific name and gives her a cup with the Ayahuasca drink.

Moments before drinking Ayahuasca, the shaman will ask the following question to the people gathered in the room: Who is drinking it for the first time? This is in order to indicate certain symptoms.

And a few minutes after ingesting it, you can vomit, and diarrhea is also very common, so it is recommended not to eat any food a few hours before the ceremony.

Additionally, during the ritual, the shaman will sing “magical songs” called icaros. After this “cleansing stage”, the things that happen next are incalculable, starting with feeling your muscles contract spasmodically. It’s like someone is putting pressure on them!

Then the visions appear and these have a psychological, therapeutic and also religious dimension.

Death, rebirth, conversation with ancestors and the feeling of unity with the universe are the most frequently mentioned effects.

All this until intense vision arrives, where you have total mental clarity: you could even drive a car just by thinking about it.

Then you feel a strong pain that seems to last and last. And its intensity is beyond our understanding.

But at the same time, you must accept the pain as part of the process. In some way, try to be grateful for it, something good is happening! Remember that you no longer have any influence on it and you just have to wait for relief.

effects of ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is not a celebration medicine, but a shamanic medicine that changes our consciousness.

People even talk about it being ideal for curing certain conditions. Therefore, Ayahuasca from Peru can be consumed, but always with great caution and under the supervision of an expert shaman.

In most countries, the sale of this entheogenic substance is even completely legal. Ayahuasca’s effects can be handled quite well and is especially suitable for beginners.

Every time you begin Ayahuasca rituals, you may arrive at the meeting with a slight nervousness, since now you know that not only pleasures await you.

Sometimes there is vomiting, sometimes just pain, other times it will be memories of traumatic experiences, extracted from the body. But you will also feel deeply moved by the process.

ayahuasca rituals

ritual ancestral en peru

Ayahuasca rituals are extremely popular in Peru. Before this type of ritual can take place, it is necessary to prepare in advance, both physically and spiritually. This includes a variety of meditation, breathing, relaxation exercises, and proper diet.

All types of massages, baths, yoga, and even tai chi are also beneficial. All this to ensure the best relaxation and a connection between soul and body.

Let us remember that one portion of the drink is enough to have a trip with ayahuasca for up to 4 hours.

You can be sure that 4 hours of reliving past experiences is more than enough, and even more so if you will have many visions during the Ayahuasca ceremony.

After all this, you will keep coming back to the Ayahuasca retreat, as it surely made you feel great on your first visit. And this mysterious drink has a high and very beneficial therapeutic potential.

With this ceremony you can go from a somewhat depressed or dejected state to a renewed emotional state in which you will feel very good, you will know yourself and you will enjoy life much more. you

However, the growing popularity of Ayahuasca in Peru does not mean that it will one day become a purely recreational drink. Taking it is not conducive to having fun, at least not as we are used to in the Spiritual Retreat with Ayahuasca.

After the Ayahuasca ceremony

It is important to focus on the interpretation of the visions, signs, experiences and messages that we have received after the Ayahuasca ceremony in Iquitos. Some of these things can be difficult to interpret, but they are worth taking the time to understand.

In this case, we can understand the visual representations more easily with some prior knowledge.

It is also worth talking about your experiences with other ceremony participants and shamans. This will help decode all the messages we have received.

Ayahuasca Ceremonies and Spiritual Retreats in Peru are increasingly popular. Therefore, in times of crisis, we seek new forms of purification and spiritual experiences. Furthermore, we all seek relaxation, tranquility and liberation. Continue your spiritual search!

It is best to take ayahuasca in the Amazon jungle of Iquitos in Peru, where the medicinal plant is born and grows.

+ 51 979 521 819


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