In the Peruvian Amazon, Ayahuasca retreats allow participants to explore their spiritual world and heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. They take place in a safe environment, guided by experienced shamans and facilitators. Ayahuasca is a sacred drink that induces expanded states of consciousness. Their ceremonies follow ancestral traditions and offer a transformative and revealing experience.

retiro de ayahuasca


Before embarking on an ayahuasca retreat, it is essential to carry out adequate preparation that covers both physical and emotional aspects. The ritual that surrounds this experience requires certain guidelines that optimize the results and safety in the process.

Importance of prior preparation

Preparation prior to an ayahuasca retreat is crucial to make the most of the therapeutic and spiritual benefits of this sacred plant. It involves an introspective process of connecting with oneself and the environment around us.

Recommended diet before retreat

Diet plays a fundamental role in the effectiveness of the ayahuasca experience. Consuming certain foods and avoiding others can influence the assimilation of the plant’s components and the purification of the body and mind.

Food and drinks allowed

  • Fresh fruit
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Pure water

Foods and drinks to avoid

  • Processed foods
  • Refined sugar
  • Alcohol and caffeine

Medical and psychological evaluation

Before participating in an ayahuasca retreat, it is essential to undergo a medical and psychological evaluation to ensure that there are no contraindications that could jeopardize the experience. It is necessary to be in optimal physical and mental condition to face this healing and transformation process.

Medical Requirements

  • Report pre-existing health conditions
  • Follow the medical staff’s instructions regarding medications

Psychological considerations

  • Preparing yourself emotionally to face aspects of your own psyche
  • Be open to introspection and emotional healing

Description of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is a sacred drink used in ancestral rituals of healing and spiritual connection. By combining the Ayahuasca vine with chacruna leaves, a mixture is obtained that contains DMT and substances that activate receptors in the brain, generating psychedelic effects.

Components of the drink

  • The Ayahuasca vine: the main plant in the preparation, provides healing and visionary properties.
  • Chacruna leaves: contain DMT, a psychoactive component that enhances the Ayahuasca experience.

Effects of Ayahuasca on the body and mind

The effects of Ayahuasca go beyond the physical, creating a deep connection with the spiritual. When consuming it, physical effects such as nausea, vomiting and sweating are experienced, which are part of the inner cleansing process. On a spiritual and emotional level, Ayahuasca can provide deep revelations, emotional healing and opening of consciousness to new understandings and perspectives.

The Ayahuasca retreat environment

The geographical location where Ayahuasca retreats are held is crucial to the spiritual and healing experience sought. In Peru, one of the most prominent places to perform these ceremonies is the Peruvian Amazon rainforest of Iquitos, since this is where the medicinal plant ayahuasca is born and grows.

Peruvian Amazon rainforest

  • The Peruvian Amazon rainforest is a biodiverse environment full of natural energy that enhances the experience of spiritual connection during the retreat.
  • The lush vegetation, the sounds of the fauna and the presence of Mother Nature create an environment conducive to introspection and healing.


Infrastructure and amenities of the retreat center

  • Accommodation at Ayahuasca retreat centers is typically designed to provide a welcoming and safe environment, where participants can rest and connect with their inner selves.
  • The ceremonial facilities are prepared to carry out the ceremonies properly, respecting the ancestral traditions and rituals that surround the consumption of Ayahuasca.


The Ayahuasca ceremony is a sacred and transcendental moment where participants immerse themselves in a deep and revealing inner journey.

Process and structure of the ceremony

  • The ceremony begins with the preparation of the Ayahuasca brew, followed by the invocation of the protective spirits to guide the ritual.
  • Participants sit in a ceremonial space, with traditional music and shamanic chants creating an atmosphere conducive to spiritual connection.

Role of the shaman and facilitators

The shaman leads the Ayahuasca ceremony, acting as a spiritual guide and facilitating the healing and revelation process. Facilitators provide emotional and physical support to participants.

Spiritual guide

  • The shaman channels divine energies and helps participants navigate the psychedelic experience of Ayahuasca.

Support during the ceremony

  • Facilitators are present to offer support and assistance in case of emotional distress or physical discomfort during the ceremony.

Common experiences during the ceremony

During the Ayahuasca ceremony, it is common to experience shocking and revealing visions, as well as emotional and spiritual healing processes.

Visions and revelations

  • Some participants report symbolic visions or profound revelations that allow them to access hidden aspects of their being.

Healing processes

  • Ayahuasca facilitates the release of emotional traumas and the process of internal healing, allowing participants to integrate past experiences and find inner peace.

Types of Ayahuasca Retreats

retiro espiritual ayahuasca

Explore different options for your Ayahuasca retreat and choose the experience that best suits your needs and desires.

3-Day Ayahuasca Retreat

This retreat offers a short but intense immersion into the Ayahuasca experience. For three days, participants have the opportunity to explore the effects of the master plant and receive spiritual guidance and support to process their experiences.

Spiritual retreat with Ayahuasca in Peru with more days.

Retreats with more days offer the opportunity to connect with nature and Peruvian culture while exploring your inner world with Ayahuasca. For those who wish to immerse themselves in the spirituality and ancestral tradition of Ayahuasca in its place of origin, a spiritual retreat in Peru may be the perfect choice. 

Complementary activities in an Ayahuasca retreat

Complementary activities in an Ayahuasca retreat are essential to enhance the spiritual and healing experience offered by this ancestral ceremony. Through practices such as meditation and yoga, participants can prepare their mind and body for the connection with the master plant and facilitate the process of self-discovery.

Meditation and yoga

Meditation and yoga are powerful tools that help calm the mind and open the heart, preparing the ground to receive the messages and healings that Ayahuasca has to offer. Meditation promotes concentration and introspection, while yoga strengthens the physical body and harmonizes energy.

Connection with nature

In a natural environment like the Amazon rainforest, participants have the opportunity to connect with Mother Earth and reconnect with their deepest essence. Walks in the jungle allow them to explore the biodiversity of the region and receive the teachings of nature, while the flowering baths purify the body and spirit, preparing them for the Ayahuasca ceremony.

Walks in the jungle

  • Exploring the lush Amazon rainforest allows participants to immerse themselves in a unique natural environment and connect with the energy of the earth.
  • Observing native flora and fauna during jungle walks provides a greater appreciation for the beauty and wisdom of nature.

Flowering baths

  • Flowering baths are purification rituals that help cleanse the physical and energetic body, preparing it to receive the teachings of Ayahuasca.
  • Immersing yourself in crystal-clear waters scented with sacred herbs facilitates spiritual opening and connection with the divine during the Ayahuasca retreat.

Benefits of participating in an Ayahuasca retreat

Physical healing

Participating in an Ayahuasca retreat can provide significant benefits on a physical level. Interaction with the master plant Ayahuasca can help in cleansing and balancing the body, promoting healing of physical illnesses and ailments.

Emotional healing

Ayahuasca retreats offer a unique opportunity to heal emotional wounds and overcome past traumas. During ceremonies, one can experience profound revelations that allow one to process negative emotions and release accumulated emotional burdens.

Overcoming traumas

Ayahuasca facilitates the exploration of past traumas, allowing participants to confront and overcome painful experiences. This psychedelic therapy can help in the process of emotional healing and the release of mental blocks.

Integration of past experiences

By immersing oneself in the Ayahuasca experience, one can more fully and consciously integrate past experiences. This facilitates personal growth and emotional transformation, allowing one to leave negative patterns behind.

Spiritual growth

Participating in an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru can open doors to deep spiritual growth and connections with the transcendental. Ayahuasca acts as a sacred medicine that encourages the expansion of consciousness and connection with mother earth.

Connection with mother earth

Ayahuasca facilitates a deep connection with nature and the vital energy that emanates from the earth. This experience can lead to a greater appreciation and respect for the natural environment, promoting a sense of belonging and harmony with the universe.

Expansion of consciousness

Exploring with Ayahuasca can lead to an expansion of consciousness and the perception of realities beyond the physical. This spiritual opening can lead to a greater understanding of oneself and the universe, providing transformative perspectives.

Post-retirement integration

After participating in an Ayahuasca retreat, post-retreat integration plays a fundamental role in the healing and transformation process. It is essential to understand and assimilate the experiences lived during the ceremony in order to apply them positively in everyday life.

Importance of integration

Post-retreat integration allows you to consolidate the insights, revelations and healings obtained during the Ayahuasca ceremony. It is a crucial time to reflect, process and apply the teachings received, integrating them in a meaningful way into daily life.

Resources and support available

To facilitate the integration process, it is essential to have adequate resources and support to help maintain emotional and spiritual balance after the experience with Ayahuasca.

Psychological therapy

Post-retreat psychological therapy can be beneficial to explore in depth the experiences during the ceremony, address possible emotional challenges and find strategies to incorporate the learnings into daily life.

Support groups

Participating in support groups with people who have had similar experiences with Ayahuasca provides the opportunity to share, receive feedback, feel understood and find a safe space to express concerns and emotions post-ceremony.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ayahuasca Retreats

Discover the answers to the most common questions related to Ayahuasca retreats in the Peruvian Amazon.

Who can participate in a retreat?

Ayahuasca retreats are open to all people who wish to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. There are no prerequisites of spiritual experience, but it is important to be willing to approach the process in a conscious and respectful way.

What does an Ayahuasca retreat include?

  • Ayahuasca ceremonial sessions guided by experienced shamans.
  • Accommodation at the retreat center for the duration of the program.
  • Special food according to the diet required before and after the ceremonies.
  • Complementary activities such as energy cleansing and nature walks.


How to make a reservation for a retreat?

To ensure your participation in an Ayahuasca retreat, it is necessary to contact the chosen center in advance. Generally, a deposit or initial payment is required to confirm the reservation and guarantee your place in the ceremonies.

Transportation and logistics considerations

  • Check with the retreat center for directions on how to get to the location, as they are often located in remote areas of the jungle or mountains.
  • It is important to consider the travel time and means of transportation required to reach the retreat center on the indicated day and time.
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