The ayahuasca diet is a fundamental aspect in preparing for a medicinal plant retreat in the Amazon rainforest. Before consuming ayahuasca, specific guidelines must be followed. Both physical and mental preparation are important for a safe and transformative experience with ayahuasca.

dieta ayahuasca

Physical preparation for the diet before ayahuasca

Before taking ayahuasca, it is recommended to follow a special diet to prepare the body and mind for the experience. This diet usually consists of avoiding certain foods and substances that may interfere with the effects of ayahuasca. Here are some guidelines for following an ayahuasca diet at least 5 days or 3 days before the ceremony.

If the participant wishes to extend the stay for more days, all the better. That depends on each person. It is very important to know that each ayahuasca center has its own way of carrying out a diet and preparation for its users.

Foods to avoid in the diet before ayahuasca

  • Alcohol
  • Fermented foods
  • Heavy meats like pork
  • Dairy
  • Very ripe fruits
  • Vitamins
  • Protein supplements and drinks
  • Fried and spicy food
  • Limit salt, oil, processed sugars and caffeine

Recommended foods for physical preparation

To prepare your body optimally, it is advisable to follow a diet rich in fresh and natural foods . Some recommended options are:

  • Vegetables
  • Integral rice
  • Quinoa
  • Oatmeal
  • Lentils

Preferably organic and accompanied by adequate hydration, drinking plenty of water. Avoiding the consumption of prescription drugs, especially MAOI or SSRI antidepressants, is crucial for your safety during the ayahuasca experience. 

Mental preparation for an ayahuasca retreat

Before participating in an ayahuasca retreat, it is important to work on mental preparation, which can make all the difference during the ceremony. Below are some recommended practices:

Limit thoughts and beliefs before the ceremony

  • Practice meditation to calm your mind and reduce anxiety.
  • It drives away negative thoughts and opens space for introspection.
  • Work on releasing limiting beliefs that may interfere with the experience.

Establish clear intentions and best practices

  • Write down your intentions for the ceremony, focusing on what you wish to explore or heal.
  • Visualize the positive outcome of the ayahuasca experience.
  • Practice gratitude and acceptance, preparing your mind to receive the plant’s messages.

Ayahuasca experience during the ceremony

dieta ayahuasca peru

The ayahuasca experience during the ceremony is a sacred and transcendental moment that requires following the instructions of the guides and caregivers present. It is essential to maintain an atmosphere of respect and openness towards the medicine.

Follow the instructions of the guides and caregivers

  • Respect silence and introspection during the ceremony.

Follow the preparation guidelines prior to ingesting ayahuasca

Common practices during the ayahuasca ceremony

  • Maintain an attitude of receptivity and trust in the healing process.
  • Stay present in the moment, connecting with the sensations and emotions that arise.
  • Express gratitude towards ayahuasca and the experience lived at the end of the ceremony.

Safety and post-ceremony recommendations

Food after the ayahuasca ceremony

After the ayahuasca ceremony, it is important to take care of your diet to allow your body to recover properly. It is recommended to eat light, easy-to-digest foods, such as broths, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid heavy meals, saturated fats, and refined sugars, as they could make it difficult to assimilate the experience.

Sexual abstinence and connection with nature after the retreat

After the ayahuasca ceremony, it is advisable to maintain a period of sexual abstinence to allow the integration of the lived experience and avoid energetic interference. It is important to connect with nature, breathe fresh air, take walks in the open air and practice gratitude towards the natural environment. This connection can help process the lessons learned during the ceremony and promote integral healing.

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